Wednesday 13 July 2011

P3 GEP Selection Preparation

Finally, I managed to find some free time do up a GEP worksheet! Please try it without looking at the solutions :)



Monday 11 July 2011

Meeting Adam Khoo

I've always heard lots about Adam Khoo, and I'm sure many of you have too.

Probably many of you have also asked yourself the same thing: Is he really all that he's made out to be? Why does everyone raves about him all the time?

After meeting the man, I definitely think so :)

He's one of the most genuine people I've met, and I could feel his sincerity in wanting to help, rather than just make a fast buck, which is so extremely important yet rare. Especially for someone who has achieved as much as he has.

For parents out there who genuinely want to help your children, I strongly urge you read his book "˜How to Multiply Your Child’s Intelligence™" as well as the ebook I have recommended here on the left "Nurturing the Winner & Genius in Your Child

This book was written based on the premise that the positive development of a child is built upon on mutual active participation between the parents and the child. I'm sure many of you face the problem of the gap in communication becoming wider and wider as your kids grow older and you find that your kids turn to their peers more than to you as parents for counsel. The upside of things is that parenting need not be an uphill struggle between your child and yourself. With the proper strategy and right frame of mind,parents do have the power to help shape our children lives positively. The key lies in being able to communicate with them coherently and I think this book is extremely helpful and informative book in this respect, so do check it out!

Sunday 3 July 2011

P4 - Addition and Subtraction (Part 1)

Not a difficult topic as pupils have been adding and subtracting since P1 (or even K1), but pupils still tend to make many mistakes, either due to carelessness, or complacency or plain laziness. In my experience, most pupils do not bother reading carefully to understand the question before they start tackling it. Rather, many choose to add (or subtract) the first 2 numbers they see without thinking!

Many tell me they do not know how to do just from reading the question once, but when I break it down one sentence at a time for them, it seems that they actually do understand and are completely capable of doing the question IF they had put in a little effort.

So kids, please don't give up so easily.

All the so-called "secrets of success" will not work unless you do.  ~Author Unknown



Saturday 2 July 2011

P4 - Numbers to 100 000 (Part 1)

Here's one for the P4s! Work hard! :)

I'll be putting some up for the coming GEP selection test for P3 very very soon! watch out for it!



Tuesday 28 June 2011

Sunday 26 June 2011

P3 - Numbers to 10 000 (Part 1)

School holidays are almost over. Its time for hard work to begin again,so here's something for the P3 pupils as well :)



Thursday 23 June 2011

P4 - Whole Numbers Part 2

Here are more questions on Whole numbers for your practice :)



Strive on!:D

P4 - Whole Numbers Part 1

This is a topic that pupils tend to think is easy (because they assume that only fractions & decimals are the difficult topics!) However, Whole Number questions might surprisingly be more challenging at times! So practise more kids! :)



Wednesday 22 June 2011

P4 - Decimals Part 2

For some reason, pupils tend to be very careless and not see the "th" in the questions even though they know its a question on decimals. Attached are several questions where pupils can familiarize themselves with the notation & place values (tenths & hundredths)

Bear in mind, there is no such thing as "oneth"! Hence the first digit AFTER the decimal point is "tenth".

For example:

0   .   2    4
ones           tenths      hundredths



Happy practising! :)

P4 - Decimals Part 1 - The basics

Many pupils have problems dealing with the topic of decimals, so I shall start with the basics- how to convert fractions to decimals and vice versa. Attached are 2 word docs. 1 question paper for your child to try, and one with the solutions. Have fun!

